Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.1Basic Information2Parental InformationThe Learning Hub has always strived for excellence. During Covid-19 challenging times. We are strongly committed to providing ease and comfort to the community. For your safety and convenience, our student admission process has been completely shifted to website so that you can seamlessly apply online. Fill out the form below and our representative shall get in touch with you.Student Name *Class Level *Select ClassPre-KKindergartenOneTwoThreeFourFiveSixSevenEightNineTenElevenSelect class level in which students want to get admission.Gender *MaleFemaleSelect Campus *Select Campus30 D.C Road Campus (Preschool & Cambridge Primary)Canal Campus (Cambridge Preschool - A Level)Select Campus according to class level.NextParents Name *Parents Phone# *Email *CommentSubmit